Gerwin Hoogsteen received the PhD degree from the University of Twente in 2017 with his thesis “A Cyber-Physical Systems Perspective on Decentralized Energy Management”. He is currently employed as tenured assistant professor in the field of smart grids within the Mathematics of Operations Research and Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems chairs, with a focus on applying theoretical research in field-tests. His research interest is in energy management for smart grids, and in particular where it concerns multi-disciplinary research and cyber-physical systems. Current research directions include the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in smart grids, distributed coordination, and cyber-security of smart grids. Hoogsteen is the founder and maintainer of the DEMKit and ALPG software.
dr. ir. Gerwin Hoogsteen
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
In my research I strive to join theoretical knowledge with practical applicability to solve real-world control problems in the domain of control and energy management. I am specialized in researching, developing and implementing control, coordination and optimization algorithms, targeted to run on low powered distributed (embedded) systems, in a cyber-physical systems context. In order to do so, I work together with researchers from various institutes (e.g., University of Twente, University of Texas, Saxion UAS), industry (e.g., Alliander, Coteq) and society (e.g., LochemEnergie, Aardehuizen Olst) in field tests. An example is the smart grid pilot site in Lochem, where we demonstrated the challenges of, and validated solutions for the energy transition. Current research focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice by developing a software framework (DEMKit), such that theoretical models can be applied and validated more easily in practice, by e.g., using hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
2017 | PhD – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chair Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Thesis: G. Hoogsteen, “A Cyber-Physical Systems Perspective on Decentralized Energy Management”
Promotors: prof. dr. ir. G. J. M. Smit and prof. dr. J. L. Hurink
2013 | Master Embedded Systems – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chair Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Thesis: G. Hoogsteen, “Simulating the Effects of Smart Grid Technologies on Power Quality”
Supervisors: prof. dr. ir. G. J. M. Smit, dr. ir. A. Molderink, dr. ir. V. Bakker and ir. T. Brand - in collaboration with Alliander N.V.
2010 | Bachelor Electrical Engineering – Hanze UAS, Groningen, the Netherlands
Institute of Engineering, Centre of Expertise Energy
Supervisors: ing. J. Leupen
2024 - Now | Assistant Professor – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chairs Mathematics of Operations Research and Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Research: Robust self-organising energy management algorithms for distributed energy networks
2020 - 2024 | Researcher – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chairs Mathematics of Operations Research and Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Research: Development and practical applicability of control algorithms for distributed coordination in smart grids. Including hardware-in-the-loop simulations
2017 - 2020 | Postdoctoral Researcher – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chair Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Research: Development and practical applicability of control algorithms for distributed coordination in smart grids. Including hardware-in-the-loop simulations
2013 - 2017 | PhD Student – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chair Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Research: Development of models and algorithms for distributed coordination mechanisms for smart (micro)grids within a cyber-physical systems context
2015 | Visiting researcher – University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States
Cockrell School of Engineering, Center for Electromechanics
Research: Coordination mechanisms for (islanded) microgrids and applicability of such mechanisms in different (regional) electricity systems and structures
2012 | Research assistant – University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Dept. of EEMCS, chair Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems
Research: Develop methods for non-intrusive detection of appliances using smart meters
Co-promotor for PhD students
Bart Nijenhuis, Aswin Ramesh Vadavathi, Edmund Schaefer, Bahman Ahmadi, Aditya Pappu, Leoni Winschermann, Leander van der Bijl, Maja Scharevska, Flin Verdaasdonk, Jacco Reuling, Monika Sharevska
Supervision of MSc students
Jan Oene Krist (EMSYS), Robbert Cornelissen (SET), Qiang Fu (EMSYS), Jorrit Nutma (EMSYS), Klaas Hoekstra (EMSYS), Yinping Dai (SET), Sytze Buruma (SET), Sriganesh Karuppannan (SET), Aditya Pappu (SET), Josefien Tiel Groenesteege (SET), Jules van Dijk (SET), Vishnu Shankar Ramesh (SET), Matthijs van Rijswijk (SET), André Traa (SET), Matthijs Oosterloo (SET), Gino van Spil (EMSYS), Ivo Varenhorst (SET), Felix Tangerding (SET), Yasmin Salce (EMSYS), Rutger Storm (SET), Karlijn Wiggers (SET), Iloy van Genderen (SET), Geert Buis (SET), Cassandra Post (SET), Bas Jansen (SET), Alberto Rosas Aguilar (SET), Cas Doornkamp (EMSYS), Niek Sterenborg (EE), Geert Maan (EMSYS), Torben Jansen (SET), Dennis Matena (EMSYS), Jim Kienhuis (SET).
Journals: MDPI Energies; Elsevier Sustanaible Energy Grids, and Networks; Elsevier Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Conferences: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grids
National (the Netherlands)
DEMKit | Decentralized Energy Management toolKit
Maintainer of the open-source DEMKit simulation and demonstration software. Several PhD and MSc students at the University of Twente use this software. DEMKit is currently also in use by Saxion UAS staff, and gains attention in the research community.
ALPG | Artificial Load Profile Generator
Maintainer of the open-source ALPG tool to generate benchmark sets for smart grid control systems and scheduling algorithms.
ODECT | Open Dynamic Electricity Composition Tracker
Maintainer of the open-source ODECT model developed originally by Bas Jansen to track carbon emissions of the Dutch electricity mix.
Lab Manager SLIMPARK
Lab manager for the SLIMPARK living lab of the University of Twente. This lab facility consists of a solar carport with 9 parking lots including charging stations and a battery storage system. This lab allows for real-world testing of our energy management algorithms using DEMKit.
Tubantia: "UT-onderzoeker ontdekt ‘per ongeluk’ mogelijkheid enorme energiebesparing", 04-02-2019 - link